Project Timeline & Plan

Project Timeline & Plan


- Introduction to the project.

- To form groups of teachers who wıll participate in the project.

- Introducing students and teachers.

-Creating the locations of school on Google Maps.

Introducing the School.


- Meeting With project partners via eTwinning live /Zoom.

- Creating mixed team lists of students for the tasks in the project.

- Preaparing the logo and poster of the project.

- Filling out the project survey.


- Starting calendar work.

- Preparation of poster/ video work showing the effect of deforestation on Global Warming.

- Meetin with our Students and Partners and brainstorming about the causes of global warming.


Preparation of poster/ video work on Fossil Fuels.

-Continuing mixed team work.


- Praparation of poster/ video work on Unconscious Energy.

- Continuing mixed team work.


Create a manifesto against the factors that cause Global Climate.

- Implementation of the last survey study.


- To preapare an ebook gathering all the thingswe will done during the process of the project.

-To Preapare a quiz show about what we have learnt by using Kahoot.

- To make an online exhibition.

-To end up the project and publish in on the internet.


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April Tasks - Fatih KÜSLÜ